
The format for the ABVLM Certification Exam is approximately 200 multiple-choice questions issued in a four-hour, computer-based exam format. No essay or oral responses are required. For an outline of the percentages allotted to each topic, download the Exam Content Outline.

All questions are presented one at a time on the computer screen. Candidates use the Next and Previous buttons to move between questions. Candidates can leave questions unanswered and return to them later. All exams are timed. Candidates are not timed on individual questions, but are allowed a specified amount of time to complete the exam. During the exam, candidates can mark questions that they want to review later.

There are two, scheduled (up to) 15-minute breaks: one after 75 items are answered, and one after 150 items are answered. This creates three distinct "sections" for the exam. Prior to finishing a section and taking an optional break, candidates can review the questions they marked for review, along with any other question in the exam since the previous break, and they can change their answers. Time spent during any review is counted against the exam clock; but any scheduled break time is not counted against the four-hour exam time clock.

In addition to the two, optional, 15-minute scheduled breaks, candidates can take unscheduled breaks as frequently as they want, but the exam clock does not stop running during an unscheduled break, and this break time is counted against their four-hour exam time.

Exams end as soon as one of the following occurs:

  • The candidate answers the maximum number of available questions and finishes looking at any questions he or she wants to review. Following question review, the candidate confirms that he or she wants to end the test. This can occur before the maximum amount of time allowed for the exam has expired. The system displays an "exam completed" message. The candidate should then signal the administrator.
  • The candidate uses the maximum amount of time allowed for the exam. The system displays an "exam time expired" message. The candidate should then signal the administrator.
  • The candidate terminates the exam by leaving before the computer indicates that the exam is over.

In 2021 and since, as a response to the COVID pandemic, ABVLM added remote proctoring to the examination options. Pearson VUE uses their OnVUE system for remote exam delivery, monitoring, and proctoring. For details on this option, please review the OnVUE summary and FAQs information linked below. The format of the exam is identical in both a test center and a remote proctored exam setting.

OnVUE Online (Remote) Proctoring Summary

OnVUE Online (Remote) FAQs in General

OnVUE Online (Remote) FAQs for ABVLM

Note: A 5-minute System Test is required of all candidates using the OnVUE option prior to exam check-in on your selected exam date.

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